Common Reasons for Car Accidents in Colorado
The Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in Colorado
You can’t control other drivers’ behavior, even if you drive defensively and follow all traffic regulations. Car accidents happen every day all over Colorado. However, they are rarely “accidents,” since these collisions are typically caused by another party’s negligence, recklessness, or intentional acts. What are the most common reasons for car accidents? Crashes involving two or more vehicles can happen due to numerous reasons, but we see some accident types more often than others. Read on to learn more about the most common types of car accidents and the reasons behind them.
Distracted Driving
What is the most common cause of car accidents? Undoubtedly, distracted driving is the most common cause for accidents. Distractions come in many forms, including talking or texting on a cell phone, eating, applying makeup, adjusting the radio, looking at the GPS, or even talking to passengers. When a driver is distracted, they divert their attention away from the road. The distraction makes it difficult for them to react to unexpected situations. This inattention puts everyone on the road at risk, including the driver. It is vital to avoid all distractions while behind the wheel and always keep your focus on the road.
Tailgating refers to someone following another car too closely, which increases the risk of a rear-end collision. When a driver follows another vehicle too closely, they have less time to react if the car stops unexpectedly. When a crash occurs, sustained injuries are often more severe because the at-fault vehicle might not have even braked before slamming into the front vehicle. Drivers can reduce rear-end accidents by maintaining a safe following distance and always being aware of the car in front of them.
Drunk Driving or Driving While Impaired
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is another major cause of Colorado car accidents. When a person is under the influence, their judgment and reaction times will be impaired. That makes it much more likely that they will cause an accident. Not only is drunk driving illegal, but it is also extremely dangerous. Always have a designated driver or use a taxi or ride-sharing service when consuming alcohol.
It’s important to point out that driving under the influence can sometimes extend to prescription medication. If a doctor prescribes medication with a warning not to operate a car or machinery, the person could face a charge of driving while ability impaired.
When a driver is speeding, they have less time to react to unexpected situations and are more likely to lose control of their vehicle. High-speed collisions typically result in severe to catastrophic injuries. All drivers should obey posted speed limits and drive at a safe speed for the conditions. In some situations, moving at a safe speed might mean driving under the speed limit.
Drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as drunk driving, as it impairs a driver’s judgment and reaction times. When a driver is tired, they are more likely to fall asleep at the wheel, which can lead to a severe accident. Drivers can prevent fatigue by getting a good night’s sleep before driving and taking regular breaks during long trips. Additionally, it is essential to be aware of the signs of fatigue and to pull over and rest if you feel tired.
Lack of Experience
Inexperienced drivers might need help navigating certain situations and could be more likely to cause an accident. Drivers might need additional education courses and to practice driving in different situations to gain more confidence and experience. It is essential to be aware of your limitations and avoid situations where you may feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
Running Red Lights or Stop Signs
Running red lights or stop signs is a form of reckless driving that puts other drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists at risk. When a driver runs a red light or stop sign, they are not only breaking the law, but they are also endangering the lives of others. All drivers must obey traffic signals and always yield to pedestrians and bicyclists.
Road Rage or Aggressive Driving
Aggressive driving includes behaviors such as cutting off other drivers, tailgating, making dangerous lane changes, and excessive speeding. These behaviors can cause other drivers to become agitated and lead to dangerous situations on the road. Despite how frustrated you might be by an aggressive driver’s actions, stay calm and avoid confrontations with other drivers.
Adverse Weather or Road Hazards
Other possible contributing factors in some collisions include adverse weather and poor road conditions. Rain, snow, ice, and fog make it difficult to see and control a vehicle. When the weather is terrible, it is crucial to drive more slowly and to use headlights. Poor road conditions such as potholes, construction, and other hazards can cause a driver to lose control of their vehicle. Driving more slowly, being extra cautious, and avoiding any hazards is essential.
Mechanical Failure or Vehicle Defect
Vehicle owners must take appropriate precautions and ensure they service their vehicles regularly. Drivers who do not adequately maintain their cars put others at risk should a tire blow or the brakes fail. However, there’s also the risk of mechanical failure caused by someone other than the vehicle owner or driver. For example, a mechanic doesn’t install new brakes correctly, and they fail. The vehicle owner could file a lawsuit against the repair shop or possibly the brake manufacturer, depending on whether the brakes were faulty or installed wrong.
Contact a Colorado Car Accident Lawyer
If you’re looking for answers to what are the most common reasons for car accidents in Colorado, speak with the experienced legal team at Sloat, Nicholson & Hoover, P.C. Our lawyers have years of experience representing injured car accident victims in Colorado. If another party is responsible for your injuries, we can help you fight for the compensation you’re owed. Contact our office today to schedule an initial consultation. We understand what a stressful time this is for you. The process of pursuing an injury claim can be frustrating. Rather than argue with the insurance company for the money it owes you, let us handle all the complex legal issues while you focus on your recovery.
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